So far I have only used the Lite version, but was so impressed by it I jumped through the manifold hoops Apple puts in the way of purchase for a Canadian wanting to use PayPal to make the purchase. I love the idea of keeping realistic track of various parts of life and being able to see trends and progress at a glance.
There are only two things I would suggest to improve it even further: a sleep chart that is more detailed than "more" and "less" etc.; one that covered a matrix of 24 hours (i.e. by having 24 boxes on the y axis and 7 or 30 or whatever on the x axis) that could map sleep more precisely (would benefit shift workers, students, new mommies etc.) and the incorporation of a matrix for tasks that have to be done at some point in the week, but arent nailed to one day in particular (i.e. I do laundry several times a week, but that is dependent on what needs washing, duh) It could have the tasks noted on the y axis and the days of the week noted on the x axis, with a visual representation at the end of the week to show whether you really did do all those chores you had in mind at the start of the week. :-)
Great app as it is, and god bless you for making it so multi-sided and remembering things like pain and mood. :-) You guys rock!
LibbyLibbyLibbyoioioi about Symptom Tracker by TracknShare, v3.4.0